Developing Your Ideas Is Your Most Important Work

grim emoji in front of chat gpt search box illustrating the idea: don't let AI develop your thought leadership for you

I admit it: I’ve been a little grouchy at work lately. Grouchy…about AI. Some days, I feel like this guy:   ChatGPT and all of its robot buddies are leaving their mark all around us. It’s happening fast. Suddenly, I feel like I’m surrounded. I’ll be reading an email from a client or looking for […]

Thought Leadership 101

chalkboard with words "thought leadership 101"

Who gets to be a “thought leader”? Let’s go back to basics and define what it means to be a thought leader, who can be a thought leader, and how YOU (or the people you support) can find your voice as a thought leader. Who is a thought leader? First of all, who counts as […]

Lessons from 2020 to Guide Us in 2025

how to lead with heart in times of uncertainty

Do you remember how you felt in March of 2020? In April? It was a constant swirl of uncertainty…kind of like I’m feeling now. This week, as every day brought a more unbelievable round of headlines from Trump 2.0, I looked back at my reflections from 2020. 2020 gave us a few core lessons on […]

Time to Be Bold

lighbulbs representing ideas, blocked by consruction blockades

During Trump’s second inauguration and in the weeks that followed, I’ve been trying to make sense of the increasingly distressing headlines. As I watched the lineup of billionaires front and center at the inauguration (“like it was Coachella for oligarchs”) and read the news about pushing both government and business backward, I’ve wondered: How can […]

My Word of the Year for 2025: BOLD

peacock on graffiti background, representing the idea of being BOLD

In 2025, it’s time to get BOLD. I spent some time reflecting on 2024 and planning for my work and thought leadership in the year ahead. Here’s how I approach choosing a word of the year. How I’m planning for 2025 Reflection. I always start with reflection. I found Pamela Slim’s list of questions, “Resetting […]

2024 Year in Review

photo of a bumpy road with text bubbles next to it

As we close out the year, I’ve been reflecting on 2024. I looked back again at my word of the year: INTENTION. Last January, I felt a pull to limit distractions and focus my time, attention, and work. Was I successful? Well…kind of.   2024: A bumpy year While I started the year with intention, I couldn’t […]

What To Do When You’ve Lost the Plot

a drawing of a lightblub in space with circles orbiting around it

What’s the big idea here? ^^ If you can’t answer that question, you may have lost the plot. It’s incredibly common for marketing teams, report authors, and anyone who’s developing a complex idea to look up and realize they’ve strayed from the original message. In B2B, it’s easy to lose the plot, especially if: You’re […]

How Do You Align Your Thought Leadership with Your Values?

a heart representing values inside a chalkboard conversation bubble

Business and politics don’t mix … right? If you don’t run a partisan organization, then politics has nothing to do with your business … right? And you should never be one of those people who post their political opinions on LinkedIn …right?   Wrong!   The way I see it, politics has a huge impact […]

5 Lessons I’ve Learned from 5 Years of Business

5 years of business

Today marks FIVE YEARS since I left my last full-time job and started working as a thought leadership consultant. The past 5 years have been a wild ride for many people—I made the leap into entrepreneurship just a few months before COVID swept into the world. And even though my life has changed a lot […]

The Incredible, Compounding Effect of (Terrible, Annoying) Deadlines

thought leadership deadline

Five years ago, I left my job at a content marketing agency to work on my own. At the agency, I was already in the habit of writing a regular email newsletter to our clients. I wanted to keep using that muscle, so I committed to sending a newsletter to my own tiny list every […]