Developing Your Ideas Is Your Most Important Work

I admit it: I’ve been a little grouchy at work lately. Grouchy…about AI. Some days, I feel like this guy: ChatGPT and all of its robot buddies are leaving their mark all around us. It’s happening fast. Suddenly, I feel like I’m surrounded. I’ll be reading an email from a client or looking for […]
Thought Leadership 101

Who gets to be a “thought leader”? Let’s go back to basics and define what it means to be a thought leader, who can be a thought leader, and how YOU (or the people you support) can find your voice as a thought leader. Who is a thought leader? First of all, who counts as […]
Lessons from 2020 to Guide Us in 2025

Do you remember how you felt in March of 2020? In April? It was a constant swirl of uncertainty…kind of like I’m feeling now. This week, as every day brought a more unbelievable round of headlines from Trump 2.0, I looked back at my reflections from 2020. 2020 gave us a few core lessons on […]
Time to Be Bold

During Trump’s second inauguration and in the weeks that followed, I’ve been trying to make sense of the increasingly distressing headlines. As I watched the lineup of billionaires front and center at the inauguration (“like it was Coachella for oligarchs”) and read the news about pushing both government and business backward, I’ve wondered: How can […]
My Word of the Year for 2025: BOLD

In 2025, it’s time to get BOLD. I spent some time reflecting on 2024 and planning for my work and thought leadership in the year ahead. Here’s how I approach choosing a word of the year. How I’m planning for 2025 Reflection. I always start with reflection. I found Pamela Slim’s list of questions, “Resetting […]
2024 Year in Review

As we close out the year, I’ve been reflecting on 2024. I looked back again at my word of the year: INTENTION. Last January, I felt a pull to limit distractions and focus my time, attention, and work. Was I successful? Well…kind of. 2024: A bumpy year While I started the year with intention, I couldn’t […]
What To Do When You’ve Lost the Plot

What’s the big idea here? ^^ If you can’t answer that question, you may have lost the plot. It’s incredibly common for marketing teams, report authors, and anyone who’s developing a complex idea to look up and realize they’ve strayed from the original message. In B2B, it’s easy to lose the plot, especially if: You’re […]
How Do You Align Your Thought Leadership with Your Values?

Business and politics don’t mix … right? If you don’t run a partisan organization, then politics has nothing to do with your business … right? And you should never be one of those people who post their political opinions on LinkedIn …right? Wrong! The way I see it, politics has a huge impact […]
5 Lessons I’ve Learned from 5 Years of Business

Today marks FIVE YEARS since I left my last full-time job and started working as a thought leadership consultant. The past 5 years have been a wild ride for many people—I made the leap into entrepreneurship just a few months before COVID swept into the world. And even though my life has changed a lot […]
The Incredible, Compounding Effect of (Terrible, Annoying) Deadlines

Five years ago, I left my job at a content marketing agency to work on my own. At the agency, I was already in the habit of writing a regular email newsletter to our clients. I wanted to keep using that muscle, so I committed to sending a newsletter to my own tiny list every […]