Leading in Uncertain Times
There are no good answers right now. We all need decisive, empathetic leadership more than ever.
What’s Inside?
Why is it so hard to quickly, clearly explain what we do and what makes our work special? It’s easy to show off the wrapper. It’s a lot harder to explain the secret sauce that’s inside.
No new ideas? Start getting in the way of other people’s ideas. Think about what makes you say AND, BUT and ALSO.
My Words of the Year
This year, I chose the words “enough” and “care” to guide my habits. Here’s how I landed on these words, and how I have changed my routines to honor them.
The Long, Craggy Road
People aren’t necessarily drawn to your purported expertise. But they completely crave your perspective. If you’ve arrived, don’t tell me about the destination. Tell me about the long, craggy road you took to get there.
The 2020 No-Sludge Pledge
Let’s all say no to “sludge” (bad content) in 2020. Here’s how we can think differently about content planning. No more publishing for the sake of publishing!
If I Only Had a Brain
Why let the confident wizards do all the talking? Why not step into your own savvy, confidence and compassion? Why not do yourself the favor of taking yourself a little more seriously?
The Luxury of Time
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about time — the luxury of taking your time, and the transformative power of giving your brain time to reflect and brew your ideas.
“I’m Not a Thought Leader”
Who gets to call themselves a “thought leader”? I was surprised to learned that Andy Crestodina, a marketer whose work I have admired for years, doesn’t consider himself a thought leader. Here’s why.
The Beauty of Blank Space
3 ways I have created more blank space and room for ideas in my daily routine.