Keep Showing Up: Building a Consistent Thought Leadership Practice
In an ongoing attempt to spend less time on my phone, I’ve been doing some Internet Experiments. Namely, a month ago, I deleted Instagram (my #1 time-sucking app) from my phone. Instagram was the only personal social media I had left. I stopped using Facebook years ago. I left Twitter when the Elon sagas started. […]
7 Words or Less: How to Simplify Complicated Ideas
Have you ever felt like your brain was full of spaghetti?. Your thoughts are jumbled. You have too much going on. You have good ideas, but they take a long time to explain. People’s eyes glaze over in the middle of your conversation. Most of the thought leaders I work with face this problem. They […]
Can AI Write Thought Leadership Content for You? [NOPE]
Can AI write thought leadership for you? Short answer: No. Long answer: Let’s look back at how content has evolved online, then do a couple of experiments to see how savvy AI writing tools have become. A short history of bad content (aka ‘sludge’) When I think about AI writing, I don’t have to look […]
3 Kinds of Thought Leaders
What kind of thought leader do you want to be? When you reach a stage in your career that you’re ready to share your work, the easiest first step is to promote what you’re doing. To share the good news, shiny awards, and proud moments. I think of this first stage as “ads and accolades.” […]
How to Explore a NEW Idea
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Or, in this case: Can an established thought leader pivot to explore new ideas? Today, I want to think about what happens when you add a new idea, layer, or dimension to your tried-and-true thought leadership. When you’re an experienced, established thought leader, your audience knows what […]
How to Be a Thought Leader AND a Private Person
“I want to pursue thought leadership as a strategy, but I’m a private person. I don’t want to spill my guts online.” A friend asked me this question the other day: Can you be a thought leader and a “private” person? My answer is a resounding YES. Here’s why: Thought leadership is about sharing your […]
One-Sentence Thought Leadership Strategy
What’s your thought leadership strategy? You might not be sure how to answer that question. You might think your thought leadership strategy is “LinkedIn.” Or “email.” Or “I’ve always thought I had a book in me…” Or if you like speaking, it could be “maybe I’ll get back on stage soon…” When I ask about […]
2022 Year in Review
How do you measure a year of work? In my work life, 2022 has been a banner year. I started and finished my second ghostwritten business book, and watched the project move from an idea through many rounds of research and manuscripts to a published book on bookshelves. I worked closely with longtime clients and […]
The Thought Leadership Cycle
How can normal people turn their work into thought leadership? If you aren’t creating thought leadership now, how could you squeeze it into your already full schedule? A lot of people assume that thought leadership is for other people. But I’ve seen that thought leadership can and should be a part of most people’s everyday work […]
How to Set Goals for Your Thought Leadership
When you look ahead at next year, you could probably name a few business goals. But what are your thought leadership goals? When I talk about thought leadership goals, I’m really asking: What would happen if more people knew about your ideas? What could you accomplish? A lot of people want to “be a thought […]