Curiosity: The Key to Better Thought Leadership

CURIOUS is my word of the year for 2022. After the fear and worry of 2020, and the roller coaster of 2021, my only response to year 3 of pandemic work and pandemic parenting was to shift my perspective and try to get looser, more flexible, and open to what comes next — even if reality […]

Introducing Viewfinder Partners

Today’s the day! After months of brewing a new brand, I’m so excited to finally share it with you today. Lee Price Ideas is now Viewfinder Partners. What the name means Why Viewfinder? And who are the Partners? As viewfinders, we help leaders develop their unique perspectives. We help visionaries clarify their vision. We listen, interview, nod a […]

Get in the Way of New Ideas

As we reach the end of the year, I’ve been giving out the same advice over and over: Take a break. Think like an explorer. Get in the way of new ideas. At this point, I work with mostly C-level leaders. They’re creative, innovative, inspiring people. They have big ideas. They’re also stretched, stressed, and […]

Idea Collecting

As a thought leadership ghostwriter, I’m really an idea collector. My job is to interview people and pull out the one golden nugget — the juicy idea — that stays lodged in my brain. A Tuesday morning drive over a big bridge reminded me of a good idea I’ve collected lately.

The Life-Changing Magic of Constraints

magic of constraints

Not enough time to get your next project done? Having a hard time expressing your big idea succinctly? It turns out, creative constraints can actually have a magic impact. They give us boundaries and a framework.

Says Who?

Brands don’t have ideas; people do. Find your coworkers with the best ideas. Those are your thought leaders. Then teach them to share their ideas and their work.

Inspired by Humans

Thought leaders are inspiring humans who push us to think in new ways. So how do we recapture that human magic without veering into corporate jargon?

How to Find Your Big Idea

Do you understand your unique perspective — your “onlyness”? I’ve been inspired to ask people NEW questions to help them develop their next big idea.