When the Idea Is Bigger Than You

rock skipping on a lake, representing spreading a big idea

What do you do when you have a big idea? How do you spread that idea to other people to create a movement? To build a platform that other people can climb onto? The true goal of thought leadership isn’t gaining fame or grabbing people’s attention. It’s about spreading your ideas and leading the way […]

How to Be a Thought Leader, Not Just an Instigator: Close the Circle

diagram with title: Close the circle Circle with two sides: "Question norms" and "Offer a new solution"

How do you feel about challengers — people who question everything and shake things up? I think this personality type can make a helpful thought leader, as long as they present solutions along with their critiques. I define “thought leaders” as people who think in public about their work. Thought leaders share what they know, […]

Thought Leadership Inspiration: Focus on the Hardest Part of the Problem

two divers deep in the sea, shining a light into a dark cavern, representing finding thought leadership inspiration by going deeper

“Focus on the hardest part of the problem.” That’s advice that my client, technical teamwork expert Chris Danek, gives to teams working on complicated medical device problems. The advice applies to thought leadership, too, whether you’re talking about your work as a mechanical engineer or a management consultant. Hear me out. Go beyond the basic […]

How to Simplify the Way You Talk About Your Work (No Jargon Allowed)

chaotic scribble turns into simple circle, to represent simplifying how you talk about your work

How do you respond to the question “What do you do?” Can you answer it in a sentence? Is your answer as simple as “I do X for Y because Z”? Or do you have to take a deep breath before you wander down a long, winding road toward an inexact definition of your work? […]

How to Be More Interesting

how to be more interesting (looking out at the sky from deep in a cave, representing going deep into your work and exploring outside of it)

What has your attention right now? What are you spending your time on, working on, thinking about, exploring? (No, I really want to know. I love this stuff.) I love talking to people about their work. I also love hearing about all the things on their mind that have nothing to do with work. The […]

Thought Leadership Isn’t About Ego — It’s About Generosity

a long line of lit candles, representing generous thought leadership: spreading one spark so that it lights up others.

Can I convince you that thought leadership is generous? When I lead workshops about thought leadership, the groups usually fall into one of two categories: people who are eager to improve their thought leadership; and people who are, frankly, not interested in thought leadership at all. Recently, I talked to a group that fell into […]

The Power of Play

photo of hula hoops with a beach background

This week, my eight-year-old went to surf camp (one of the very fun rites of passage of living in a beach town). On the first day of camp, I watched a team of coaches herd the huge crew of neon-rashguard-clad kids onto the beach, through a round of stretches and warmups, and then out into […]

How to Practice Thinking Like a Thought Leader

how to practice thought leadership

Are you a thought leader? Yes, you. (Hi! 👋) If you’re thinking, “No way” or “Who me?” this is for you. If you’re doing good work, it’s not a huge leap to start reflecting on that work and sharing your insights. Thought leadership is helpful for your own learning — and a generous act that […]

How to Understand Your Intellectual Heritage — and Define Your Thought Leadership Legacy

past (black and white photo of fossils) vs. future (black and white photo of empty road ahead)

This week, an email subject line caught my attention: “Insights on BCG’s 60-Year Intellectual Heritage.” The newsletter celebrated BCG’s founder’s birthday and listed ten big ideas from the firm since its founding 60 years ago. I’m always interested in how professional services firms market their ideas. And the concept of “intellectual heritage” stuck with me. […]

3 Thought Leadership Best Practices

thought leadership best practices with peacock and empty conversation boxes

In a sea of similar content, how will you make your thought leadership stand out? Hint: the answer is not to order up something interesting from ChatGPT. Instead, consider how you could follow three thought leadership best practices to level up your thought leadership and create more memorable content.   Think “barbecue content” When I […]